The renowned blind Samurai Zatoichi carried an iconic stick sword, known well by the fans of the long running book, film, and television series. Own a stunning version of that legendary sword with the Black Zatoichi Stick Sword. The long blade of this Japanese sword is crafted from fully tempered 5140 carbon steel with an etched temper line. This sword features a gleaming golden guard, with etched lines in the black wooden hilt for a special touch. This exceptionally crafted Oriental sword comes included with a protective scabbard made from natural hardwood. A sword that is both functional and decorative, this Black Zatoichi Stick Sword is a great way to bring the legend of the blind Samurai into your home.
Key Features:
- Fully functional
- Crafted from fully tempered 5140 carbon steel
- Modeled after the stick sword of Zatoichi, the blind Samurai
- Features a shining guard and an etched black hilt
- Includes a natural hardwood scabbard
- A special gift for fans of Zatoichi
- Overall Length: 39.5 Inches
- Blade Length: 28.5 Inches
- Handle Length: 10.5 Inches
- Weight: 1 lb. 8 oz.
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